We seek power; the ability to control others and circumstances as the solution to our problems. The challenge is however, there is no such thing as something for nothing. Everything has a cost.

Know the Truth
Most of us refuse to believe we are in control of our lives and therefore most of us refuse to think. Most tend to believe whatever is out there determines how they feel. So, to gain control of how they feel, people seek to gain control of external circumstances.

Back to Nature
Whereas most creatures operate by instinct alone, we make most of our choices – we decide what we are going to do by way of emotions. Most of which we have committed to habit. Emotions rule over human decision making.

Spinning Out of Control
People are struggling financially as the American economy and the world’s economy teeters on the edge of solvency. Social relations are adversarial and ugly as more and more people embrace fear and hate politics in an effort to get theirs.
Things seem to be spinning out of control. What the heck is going on?

Prologue – Are Americans Really this Stupid?
We deliberately choose an every-man-for-himself, survival-of-the-fittest path and mistakenly expect that path will lead to prosperity. Every-man-for-himself always results in pain and suffering. This is the way things are. But is it the way things have to be?

Are Americans Really this Stupid?
Consider the oft-cited definition of insanity: ‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.’ While we aspire to opportunity and prosperity by means of self-governance, we Americans keep screwing up. We keep making the same mistakes again and again. When will we learn? Can we learn?

State of the Union 2021
These are dark days in the United States of America; not brought on by a foreign invader; no, rather we are experiencing rot from within; an assault on truth; fear and hate on a national scale.
While serving in the United States Army in Bosnia in the 1990’s and later in Iraq in the mid-2000’s I saw firsthand the destruction and devastation hate begets. And now…
Letter of Apology to My Grand Child
My Dear, Dear Child, I’m writing this letter to let you know what you are living through now, the division, the hate, the corruption, and the resulting squalor did…
Do The Right Thing
We lost Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last Friday, a truly exceptional, principled and courageous woman, and even before her body cooled ruthless, unprincipled men are maneuvering for political advantage. This…